LNI Scintillation Film

LNI Scintillation FilmLNI is a microcolumnar scintillation film used in high-efficiency neutron detection and imaging. LNI films have a 45%, concentration of 95% enriched 6Li which allows for high-efficiency neutron detection. At the same time, due to the microcolumnar structure of LNI, the spatial resolution is 50 µm. LNI exhibits the high brightness of NaI, as well as excellent neutron-gamma discrimination based on pulse height discrimination and pulse shape discrimination.

LNI is an ideal solution for neutron radiography, tomography, diffraction, and homeland security applications. It is available in sizes up to 8″ in diameter and 1 mm in thickness. RMD can produce significantly larger sizes upon request.

The concentration of 6Li in LNI may be tailored to achieve a desired performance. Additionally, emission can be adjusted using Tl or Eu as a dopant or Tl,Eu as co-dopants. Direct deposition on SiPMs, PDs, or other photo-sensors and wavelength shifting fiber arrays is available.

6LNI:Eu Neutron Scintillator Imaging Screen

  • High efficiency for thermal neutrons, 43% neutron absorption efficiency for a 375 μm film, 60%  for a 645 μm film
  • Excellent spatial resolution (~350 µm w/anger logic, ~250 µm with EMCCD)
  • Pulse shape/Pulse height based n-γ discrimination
  • Columnar format suitable for high resolution imaging
  • Large format manufacturing at low cost

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